16 Poisons To Your Happiness


  1. Jealously. Just be happy for people and you’ll be happier for yourself.
  2. A need for superficial things. Having a name brand item isn’t ever going to satisfy your deep needs for confidence and fulfillment. It’s all incredibly meaningless in the end.
  3. Grudges. I know you may feel like the tough one for holding on to some anger that was created years ago, but it actually makes you weaker. Forgive. Forgiveness sets you free.
  4. Regret. When I said forgiveness sets you free, that applies to self-forgiveness as well.
  5. Dependence. You can’t depend on others for happiness. Take it from me, it’s not going to work. You have to rely on yourself for love and confidence.
  6. The need to fix people. You may think you can fix someone, but you can’t. People have to fix themselves and if you allow negative people in your life they will just bring you down too.

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20 Things You Need To Accept About Your Twenties



I just turned twenty last month and am now embarking upon the journey of the magical, unpredictable, and terrifying decade that awaits me in my twenties. I realize that there are going to be a lot of things that I need to accept if I am going to survive the next ten years. I am always inclined to expect perfection for myself and my life and I learned in my years as a teenager that having that expectation only hurts me. Many of you have probably done the same. Therefore I made myself this list. There are many facts of life that we all need to accept in order to find the happiness and satisfaction that we need as adults. Perfection is in the imperfection nature of growing up.

  1. You’re going to be broke for a very long time. Stock up on Ramen and make the best of it.
  2. The…

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15 Ways To Put An End to the Dating Game



What is the dating game you ask? You probably know it all too well. It’s the game of let’s see who can try to act like they care less, in order to get someone else to care more and then take turns. It’s the blurred lines between how casual you are and what title you decide to give your romantic encounters. It’s so confusing that I often lose track, and I’m sure you do too. What is the reason for not being able to be simple and honest? “Hey, I think you’re really cute, and I would like to get some coffee and giggle awkwardly at our small talk, so I can spend some extra time looking at your cute face.” The reason it isn’t that way, is because we all play the game. Here are a few ways to put down your cards and really look at the faces…

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My Little Red 1